Traditional, digital, and social engagement models

by Steve Seager

David Armano does a great job of headlining the main differences between traditional, digital and social marketing concepts in this post.

Image of Social Engagement Spectrum | Logic + Emotion

I broadly agree with the concepts and this is good primer.

However, it’s worth bearing mind that the diagram is linear, and suggests closed systems – meaning it doesn’t show the interaction between the different marketing concepts.

For example, a social engagement campaign built around networks and communities that refers you through to a ‘tradigital’ microsite and ends up with you visiting a corporate broadcast message is a valid strategy. When you back that up with traditional marketing such as events or grassroots public relations, engagement becomes even higher.

My conclusion?

There is much more crossover than most social media advocates will let on. Adopting one concept over another doesn’t guarantee you more engagement. For that, you need to focus on the content you publish – the story you will tell to move your stakeholders and buyers to action – then adapt it to publish in the right ‘concept’. Right message, right audience, right channel. That’s a core concept I will always stand by.

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